A Coupon Worth Having

This Week's Coupon Worth Having: Uncle Ted's Diner

14% off your entire order!

This month's coupon sponsor is Uncle Ted's Diner in Alexandria, Virgina. They are a local family-owned restuarant with the best breakfast tacos around and the best staff, too. A huge thanks to them for sponsoring this part of our site. I couldn't do this without their financial support, so please, please, please go check them out!

If you have any question about their menu, don't hesitate to give me a call on mobile @ 703-555-1212 and I'll tell you my favorites! I'll also share the rest of my usual routine with you. Do know that everything about them is great, and they seem to ALWAYs be open. Such a cool local business. Please go support them this week. If want to hang out for a little bit, I'll be there on Wednesday morning at 8AM. I everything about this this place!

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